Herobild Theorie karte ausbildung kompass


We run RYA shore-based theory courses at our theory base in Stams, Tyrol. The courses are based exclusively on what is actually useful on board a yacht.

We address common sailing issues and explore practical solutions. This way of learning provides you with in-depth knowledge in the fields of navigation, meteorology, collision prevention rules, rules about lights and shapes, as well as current and tide calculation.

These are precisely the topics that practice examiners discuss with candidates during the exam trip in the Solent.

The MCO methodology

Teaching is our profession, which is why we impart our knowledge of sailing according to the latest pedagogical principles, always focusing on the needs of the participants. With backgrounds in teaching and instructing at teacher training colleges and universities, we have been teaching professionally for 35 years.

All this, combined with our enthusiasm for everything to do with sailing, is what we call the MCO methodology.

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”

Jacques Yves Cousteau

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